sunnuntaina, elokuuta 24, 2008

apodiktisia arvostelmia

ovatko konstruktiot mahdottomia filosofiassa. transsendentaalinen idealismi on hypoteesi johon kannattaa uskoa siksi etta se ratkaisee niin monta ongelmaa
miten synteettiset a priori arvostelmat ovat mahdollisisa
mita tulee lisata siihen
etta minulla on useita representaatioita jotta saisin representaation yhdesta jolla
on monta piirretta. representaationi muodostavat minulle
harmonisen kokonaisuuden jossa kaikki liittyy yhdeksi. kakki tietomme maailmasta persutuu yksinkertaisten ideoiden yhdistelmiin
iv never been able to accept the interpretation which logician give of judgement in general
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be

Drawing from sources as varied as the Catholic Catechism, feminist theologies and queer studies, this work offers a Creation-centered anthropological exposition of sexuality that is embedded in God's originating act of Eros in Creation. Recovering an understanding of sexuality that is both sacramental and erotic opens theological conversation into an understanding of Creation as portraits of erotic relationality, capable of wedding justice to sexuality. Within this theological portrait of human sexuality as an expression of God's own self-revelation in Creation, a new articulation of queer sexuality emerges, providing distinct insights into the holiness of sex. Working from multi-denominational Christian sources of queer narrative and theology, the author poses four distinct contributions or queer insights into sexuality. These contributions not only deepen our understanding of Eros and God but also sex and the common good.

Uskovaisen elämä on ihanaa. Ei huolet paina, ei rasitu polla. ...mita sita sanotaanakan keskustelusta..Lopulta, kunhan vain teidän puolellanne "debaattia" henkista koomaa..varmasti minulla on eri arvot kuin jumalalla. en kai muuten olsikaan tassa suhteessa. his thought, instead, is able to imagine spaces without limits. The silence is deep; when a breath of wind comes, this voice sounds like the voice of present time, and by contrast it evokes all times past

This essay explores the place of jouissance in recent theory, traces its roots in Romantic conceptions of the Sublime, and contrasts it with alternative interpretations of orgasm in theological tradition. The key problem with jouissance is that it can act as a cipher for the silencing of women in theological discourse. More positive interpretations of orgasm place an emphasis on generative pleasure—such interpretations were an important part of an older theological tradition including Tertullian and Hildegard. It becomes possible to draw on traditional sources when constructing liberative theological interpretations of sexual activity. As Aristotle argued, orgasm is pneumatic.

Intersex conditions might be more usefully explored in light of theologies from impairment rather than those from sexuality. The areas of concurrence between intersex conditions and disability feed into theologies which fully respect and take into account such bodily states. Hegemonies of `goodness' and `normality' which lead to the marginalization of intersexed and impaired bodies are grounded in theological beliefs which fail adequately to `queer' oppressive socio-cultural discourses. The disability theology of John M. Hull is used to argue that the `ideologies of dominance' which assume the `sighted world' to be the only `real world' are also evident in assumptions that the binary-sexed world is the only real world; and that it is appropriate for theologians to query and subvert such assumptions. Kenotic behaviour in the realm of gender identity might involve the ceding of sexed signification by those who are not intersexed, rather than the assimilation or unchosen `correction' of those who are.

looking at blogs (we all know it is my way of half way there
to think

maanantaina, elokuuta 18, 2008

Suomen kielen vanhimmat sanat elää, seisoa, pelätä, nähdä, kuulla, tuntea, imeä, juoda, syödä, purra, niellä, nuolla ja puhua ja kuolla
hei jla, onks elollisuudella rajoja? vastaus: 50% mamma och 50% pappa
kukaan ei ihmettele miksi kellot eivat toimi ikuisesti mutta ihminen..
tarkeinta on saada solut tekemaan yhteistyota

kun elio on lissaantynyt lissaantymisensa se on yleensa jalkelaisiensa tiella..

kaiki elaimet torakasta noruusn, nukkuvat ja kai sitten nakevat untakin. unet ovat ovat ulkonaisesti eraanlaista tajunnantilan muutosta, johon liittyy eraanlainen hulluus, eli olemattomien asioiden nakeminen ja kokeminen. jos ihmisen ei anneta nahda unia han ei jaksa elaa.

viisivuotiaana olni aarettoman innostunut homeopatiasta. kerroin siita vanhemmilleni..epatodennakoisia asioita tapahtuu siella missa muutenki tapahtuu paljon.
δευτερο θυμα

keskiviikkona, elokuuta 13, 2008


Minusta sina olet kaunis ja kiltti? niin . viehattava suu ja silmat kuin teevadit
pidan silmistasi
Buber's philosophy of dialogue constituted a radical departure from the psychoanalytic view of the individual prevalent at the time. the I-It mode entails seeing the other through the lens of one's own needs or distortions. This can take the form of business deals or functional relationships. More insidiously, I-It can take the form of abusive or exploitive relationships, in which the other is dealt with on the basis of desires
The I-It mode is utilitarian and self-focused, and the danger is that one can deny or obliterate the humanity of the other
Buber considers the dialogical space that is opened when persons relate to each other..At one level, from its inception family therapy posed a relational view of persons; that, indeed, was its revolutionary challenge. But especially among strategic schools, many early family therapists were far from dialogical
The competitive model, which is endemic in our society, invades couples' relationships as well. Partners are often caught in a zero-sum game, in which one wins and the other loses. They may be caught up in sibling rivalry with each other, each seeking to curry the approval or favor of the therapist. Some couples therapists feel caught between the competing agendas and claims of the partners. Perhaps the first challenge of therapy, after joining, is to help the couple
Partners are encouraged to become authors of their own relationship

Inevitably, the magical trance of the early relationship yields to reality The magic of the early relationship lies precisely in the sense that one is seen and confirmed to the depths of one's being (although the view from magic may be based in illusion or distortion). The desire to be confirmed

The basis of one's life with [another] is twofold, and it is one-the wish of every [person] to be confirmed as what [s/he] is, even as what [s/he] can become, by [another]; and the innate capacity in [persons] to confirm others in this way....
Buber notes that at times we try to wrest confirmation from others by seeming to be what we are not, by being inauthentic. Buber calls this "seeming," and he contrasts it with "being." Seeming is remarkably close to Winnicott's (1965) "false self"; it arises out of the need for confirmation. Being is similar to Winnicott's "true self." Maurice Friedman ( 1985) explains, "The tendency toward seeming originates in man's need for confirmation, and in his desire to be confirmed falsely rather than not to be confirmed at all

Coming to accept one's parents includes shifting to a view of parents as "real people"

This approach supports the notion of multiple realities rather than a single truth. hehe we fears that he will have to sacrifice his own touchstones of reality, the goal is empowerment of the
can manage not to be defensive about these moments

torstaina, elokuuta 07, 2008

mega principio di ragion sufficiente

jännittävä vihreä elöin lennähti tyopöydälleni yöllä ilkkunasta

tiistaina, elokuuta 05, 2008

So I've made it to the other side, exiting In the center
ways criminal.

lauantaina, elokuuta 02, 2008


some here