of something?current nemesis Monsignor Corrado Balducci is (sorry, was, he died some days ago) the Vatican’s premiere demonologist an thinks that UFO creatures, even those that allegedly abduct humans, are, perhaps, of a higher nature than us, and more spiritually evolved, thus denigrating the idea in some UFO quarters that abductors and UFO aliens are maligant and/or evil. Tähtitiede on lääketieteen oheella vanhin tieteistä.
Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological impairment, they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully." Since he is a demonology expert and consultant to the Vatican , and since the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were poorly understood, his stating that the Church does not censure these encounters is all the more remarkable.
Balducci revealed to a visiting American professional that the Vatican is closely following this phenomenon quietly. My informant originally surmised that the Vatican is receiving much information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its Nunciatures (embassies) in various countries. But subsequent information indicated that the Monsignor has gotten his cases from other sources. He is a member of a group which acts as consultants to the Vatican on various matters concerning humans in possible contact with supernatural beings, graduated in 1954 from Pontificia Accademia Ecclesiastica, the Vatican training institute for priests who will be future papal ambassadors, or nuncios.[5]
He has said that extraterrestrial contact is real. 2008 the Vatican's chief astronomer José Gabriel Funes also discussed the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It is probable that there are other beings, that is not very strange, because among the human and angelic nature, of which we have the theological certainty, there is a big too much discrepancy. And among this man, in whom the spirit is subordinate as to the matter, and the Angels that are alone spirit, are probable that they exist of the beings that have spirit with the very less matter and body of that, that we have. They could be those that we call Ufo, these persons that would appear with these wagons, and that also have not only one science, but a natural guardian ability to the our. Father Balducci, what would you answer to all of those who claim that the aliens are already among us?Kahleitaan voi rakastaa tyhmä ihmisparka
ja pitää niitä aarteinaan ja omaisuutenaan
Vaik ne hetkeks hellittäis, ei ne kauas karkaa,
ilman niitä lentäisi kai taivaan tuuliin kokonaan Padre : We can not longer think... is it true, is it not true, are they truth or are they lies, if we believe, or if we don´t! There are already many considerations which MAKES THE EXISTENCE OF THESE BEINGS INTO A CERTAINTY. WE CANNOT DOUBT. Even if we say that among a hundred of these phenomenon there are only... even if we said that 99 were false and that one was true, it´s that one that says that some phenomenon exist. Therefore this is the first problem... it’s not anymore... it doesn’t revert anymore to the ambit of human prudence... to doubt... because... the prudence says to be prudent, but not to deny.
it’s all... that... not only the world, but also the thousands of stars, the thousands of galaxies, and there are... I don’t want to reveal any numbers, but we can without any doubt and rationally at this point... and we enter now on the second question, how do you explain, ...the existence of other inhabited worlds, in what manner inhabited, by whom inhabited? Let’s look at us... there is an old saying that exists for centuries that goes: "Natura non facit saltus" eh... "Nature does not leap" that is... no... there is the vegetal kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom... and the angelic kingdom, the only things, four kingdoms that we know. Three are natural and we can see them. Between the man, the human being and the angel, eh... en usko etta on minkaanlaista eroa. kaksoisolentomme on aina lasna. Here is why, with this argument, which is well demonstrated by San Tommaso, one of the biggest theologists, it’s probable, it’s likely... more than other... that between man, which has already a spirit inside him, but a poor one...