perjantaina, tammikuuta 02, 2009

Finnish philosopher and logician, influential cultural critic and essayist. Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003) was the successor of the famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein at the University of Cambridge. Von Wright began his philosophical career with a major interest in logic and in the philosophy of science. After Wittgenstein's death, von Wright became one of the executors of Wittgenstein's literary estate and he wrote several articles on his legendary colleague.

Georg Henrik von Wright's family was of Scottish origin. His ancestor, George Wright, escaped from Oliver Cromwell's (1599-1658) rule to Narva, from where the family eventually settled in Finland. In the 18th-century the brothers Ferdinand, Wilhelm, and Magnus von Wright became very famous artists, who depicted landscapes and especially birds

säilyminen taitaakin olla idea na. ei meidän vaan sen toisen lajin säilyminen. samalla omamme.. both are bound in the spiral dance, I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess.aika tylsö juttu mutta sitähän olen vähä epäillyt . ja kun sanotaan että ihminen käyttää vaan osaa ajatuskapasiteetistaan niin son tarkoituksella ja ajan voittamista. me ollan nukkeja vaa niin että
hyvää avaruusmatkaa!