In neurophysiology, the action potential is a self-regenerating wave of electrochemical activity that allows nerve cells to carry a signal over a distance. The cardiac action potential is a specialized action potential in the heart, with unique properties necessary for function of the electrical conduction system aand UFO intelligence (or Philip K. Dick's VALIS, which is likely the same thing) probably employs a technology of consciousness, what yu say wah. dont believe M
"All-or-none" principle
The amplitude of an action potential is independent of the amount of current which produced it. In other words, larger currents do not create larger action potentials. Therefore action potentials are said to be all-or-none, since they either occur fully or they do not occur at all
Stimulation and rising phaseThis is often caused by the injection of extra sodium cations into the cell
Konnektionismi on kognitiotieteessä, neurotieteessä, tekoälytutkimuksessa ja mielenfilosofiassa käytetty informaation käsittelyn teoria. Konnektionismi ymmärtää mielenilmiöt emergentteinä tapahtumina, jotka syntyvät toisiinsa liittyvien yksinkertaisten yksikköjen muodostaman konnektionistisen arkkitehtuurin toiminnasta. A Vision of the Brain is the most sustained attempt made so far to explain how the cortex works both with specific reference to vision, and generally. A common claim is that language is governed by social conventions.mie uskon ett' kieli syntyy rakkauvesta on niinku sähköinen ja solunsisäinen oll or none, potentiaali vai mitä