paraskin rakastajaMillaista on Sinun my;tätuntosi, jumala? syyllisyyttäA blockade is any effort to prevent supplies, troops, information or aid from reaching an opposing force minusta on sääli ettei palestiinalainen voi viljellä maata. samanlaiset alkavat yhtaikaa ive been diagnosed with love
eri puolilla
God is neither matter nor spirit. hi is the creator , but is himself neither. They believe that there are two aspects of od: God himself, who in the end is unknowable, and the revealed aspect of god, his "light", which created the universe, preserves the universe, and interacts with mankind in a personal way. Over time, this view evolved into the belief that all of creation and all of existence was in fact ggod itself, and that we as humanity are unaware of our own inherent godliness and are grappling to come to terms with it. see yu in library
ihan ihminen on jumala siltä lohdutus sairas jumala, vois sanoo. jus th on man humanity itself will be altered through genetic
engineering. mikä siinä ateismissa on niin kiinnostavaa, Jumala? -materiaali. -ξθθ ςαντ το βε ματεριαλ juu want to be material? -yes, im coming. .....-its too bad in palestine, if juu thought there, again. somekain dof theseusboat----ooh ju are comin. and would yu mind givin the eksakt date? 8. jan 09 klo 8? wats that